SEO Plugins In WordPress: Best SEO Plugin Choices For 2021!

seo plugins in wordpress

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The Best SEO Plugins In WordPress?

The answer is here! Wassup! In today’s article I am gonna talk about five best seo plugins in WordPress that are a must!

But wait! Don’t you think you need to know something about me before you read this article? Yeah! You need to know why you should trust my opinions and recommendations.

Being an eagle-eyed blogger, I always keep updating myself and my readers with techniques that work, and techniques that simply DON’T.

So yes, of course, you can trust SubhBlogging. Some of the plugins I talked about are free whereas others are paid. But when it comes to quality, every plugin I talked about is a HERO for sure!

Also, you need to be sure that you read some of the frequently asked questions answered in this article after the list ends. Those questions and answers will solve almost all (if not every) doubts that you have around WordPress SEO plugins. 

SEO Plugins In WordPress for optimizing content: RankMath SEO

Earned name and fame recently because of the features it offers. I have been using this plugin for a while now, since the very beginning when I started my blog. And I believe that this plugin is all what you need to fix the SEO of your blog.
RankMath is now recommended as #1 SEO WordPress plugin. It offers a lot of features for free, which is, awesome! Because you actually don’t have to put yourself at the risk of regretting your purchase later.
If you fall in love with this plugin, yes of course, then you can upgrade to the premium version also. The plugin is light in weight, so it doesn’t make your site heavy.
You can easily enable and disable modules so that there is no unwanted load on the web server. As an endnote; if you haven’t used any SEO plugin till now, or even if you have not started a blog yet, or maybe if you have used a SEO plugin before and was embarrassed, then do go and try this plugin once.
You are gonna thank me later. I am so sure!

SEO Plugins In WordPress for rich snippets: Schema Pro WordPress 

Having a rich snippet is important. NO. SUPER IMPORTANT. By using rich snippets you unlock doors to better traffic and better CTR. There are a lot of people who don’t leverage the power of a rich snippet.
So you can become that smart one who has rich snippets by using Schema Pro WordPress. Let me here mention an amazing fact: By using this plugin, you allow the search engine to understand what your blog, your content is all about.
So definitely, when this happens, your rankings will boost as well. But for that, you need to use a great plugin; disclaimer… You know! Infact, this is worth doing for boosting your on page SEO as well. SchemaPro is compatible with Yoast SEO plugin. 

SEO Plugins In WordPress for image optimization: Imagify

I have talked about this in my this article, where I talk a lot about the top WordPress plugins you must be using. I have personally used most of the plugins I talked about in that article, so you can easily rely on my reviews.
And since I have already talked a lot of Imagify in that article, I really don’t want to bring that repetition. Yet, let me tell you that Imagify is very satisfying when it comes to optimizing your images.
Andddd, do not upload images’ names like image005.jpeg. That is the worst thing you could ever do with your blog’s images! Still if you have been doing that, relax, take a deep breath and calm down…
And first, let me give you some context here. Then, I will later come to the solution. Here is a little piece of data given by ShoutMeLoud.
“Here, at ShoutMeLoud, almost 1% of traffic is from image search engines, and that is a LOT.”
Because ShoutMeLoud gets a lot of traffic, and that’s why, even 1% matters a lot. Now time for the solution, write useful names for your images, some name that relates with your content.
Like if I am talking about ‘Best SEO plugins’, that could be a name I could use, probably. Because first you need to do some Keyword research. And if you want to learn how to find long tail keywords for free and fast, check out this exclusive video guide

SEO Plugins In WordPress for TOC: Easy Table of Contents 

This is quite controversial from my point of view, since this is something that I didn’t use. And to be transparent, I really don’t appreciate this idea much. Because you don’t exactly need a plugin for this.
Infact, I have a better way. But you may not be able to implement it as you are just beginning out, I suppose. So for that, I will give you a simpler way and that is to use a plugin for creating a table of contents.
This plugin lets you add jumplinks in Google Search. After the initial configuration, a table contents will be automatically added to all your articles. Existing and new.

SEO Plugins In WordPress for caching: WP Rocket

Again, I have talked about this in my other article. So no repetition. Anyways, let’s dive into the reason why caching is a must. Actually, caching helps to make your WordPress site load a lot faster.
A lot of research and studies prove this. Good quality cache plugins reduce the load on your server. So as a result, the overall performance of your WordPress site gets much more better.
Now something you need to understand is that you need to use a good quality cache plugin. Experts recommend using WP Rocket. It is easy to use. And it works! 

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) About SEO Plugins In WordPress

Does WordPress need SEO Plugin?
Yes. For winning the SEO game, you need to use some genius SEO plugins in WordPress. Plugins I have talked about are really cool to make you the king of SEO! 
How do I add SEO to my WordPress site?
Use some nice seo plugins in WordPress. Implement a few working strategies and you are good to go. 
Which plugin is used for SEO?
RankMath is the best SEO plugin I could ever recommend, especially for beginners, who just don’t have any idea about SEO. Else, you could go with Yoast SEO or All In One SEO Pack.
Which SEO plugin is best for WordPress?
RankMath is best for beginners. Also it is a free to use seo plugins in WordPress that gives you a detailed overview of all those factors that affect your blog post’s optimization for search. 
Is Yoast SEO only for WordPress?
Yes. Only available for WordPress. But then it is not available for users. Only users. Sorry! But then it is a nice plugin. 
How does a SEO plugin work?
SEO plugins let webmasters optimize particular components of a website’s code. It then structures it in the right way so that it becomes easier for search engine spiders to crawl it. 
What is the best free SEO plugin for WordPress?
You can use RankMath if you want a free and a high quality SEO plugin for your WordPress website or blog.
Which is the best WordPress SEO plugin?
RankMath or Yoast SEO. Both are expert recommendations.
Can WordPress have two SEO plugins?
Yes. As many as you want. But since using a lot many plugins will make your site heavier, you should use only the ones that are necessary. But keep it from different categories.
Like if you are using one plugin for caching, use the other plugin for image optimization. Or you can understand this with another example, suppose that you are using RankMath and Yoast SEO both for the same blog.
Then it’s simply a BAD IDEA. This can also lead to creating SEO issues for your blog.


This was just a small list of best out of the best choices. When using plugins, it’s important to keep in mind that too many plugins can make your site heavy. Before you go with any plugin, check the ratings and reviews.
And most importantly, check out when was that plugin launched in the market. If it was launched a few months back ago, avoid it. Hope you have got a pretty nice idea of which plugins are best for SEO.
If you have any more recommendations, or maybe if you wanna add other plugins to this list, then do so in the comments! 
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Picture of Authored By Anwesha Srivastava
Authored By Anwesha Srivastava

Hi! I am Anwesha and I started SubhBlogging to help bloggers and to guide them on this bouncy journey of blogging providing practical tips, personal experiences and fresh strategies. I hope this would be a great help.

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