Why Multi Niche Blogging Will Sabotage Your Growth In 2021?

Why Multi Niche Blogging Will Sabotage Your Growth

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Will It Affect My Blog If I Publish Blog Posts On Different Niches On The Same WordPress Site?

I recently found a very similar question on Question Hub. It was something like, “Will it affect my SEO if I upload blog posts on different niches in a WordPress website?” That made me think, “Okay, cool. Why not answer this in depth?”
And that’s how I am writing this for you. So, multi niche blogging? Niche Blogging? Which is better? And why? Now I understand that so many question marks are overwhelming.
But in this article, I’ll be answering why you shouldn’t be opting for multi niche blogging. But before that let me explain once more. This guide is being written only for serious bloggers who want to monetize their blog.
Because bloggers who blog as a hobby, don’t worry about traffic or money. They can go with multi niche blogging. Serious bloggers have a strict business approach. Therefore, if you’re looking to make a steady income from blogging, you shouldn’t be opting for multi niche blogging. 

You’ll Fail To Understand Your Audience’s Need If You Go For Multi Niche Blogging

I request you to think about this: What makes you subscribe to a blog? Or a YouTube channel? Okay. You don’t know why. Fine. Then imagine, you subscribe to SubhBlogging because you want to learn more about blogging particularly from me.
And then the next day you wake up to find that I have posted an article about everything about dog care. Won’t you unsubscribe? If I were in your shoes, I certainly would have unsubscribed the very moment.
And to a great extent I can imagine that you would have taken the same step as well. When you search for blogs on any topic, you’ll have tons of options to go with. But you prefer one over the other. Maybe because it is more dedicated to that one topic.
And shares a lot of good content about that on a consistent basis. Because you are not looking for another newspaper that talks about a range of things. You’re looking for laser focused content on one topic.
Because you might be interested in technology based content over fashion related content. So you won’t prefer reading a blog that covers both in the first place. That is why I suppose the first disadvantage itself is very convincing for not starting a multi niche blog. 

Multi Niche Blog’s SEO Is Complicated

The first point covered the real facts of your audience who are actual people. And now let’s talk about the second most important thing to focus on: Search Engine Optimization.
Now for conducting a powerful SEO for your blog, you absolutely need to have a niche. Why? Here’s why. If you’re looking for “How to do fluid painting for beginners?”, which one do you think will pop up?
It is a very common sense question. You could easily think of it. Anyways, here are the two options: 
Blog A — Posts about photography, food, and art
Blog B — Posts about art consistently
Blog B? Yeah? You’re right. Bingo! Now if I ask you why, what would be your thoughts? Probably you assume Blog B to offer better content in terms of quality. You assume blogger B to be an “expert” artist.
And there’s a high possibility that all your assumptions are true. Search engines are promoting blogs in one niche for they provide a high quality experience to the audience. And they hold more authority as well if compared to the multi niche blogs. 

Making Money From A Multi Niche Blog Is Harder

The last question, and most important for a lot: Will multi niche or single niche blog make more money? Here you may confuse it up. Because you might think that multi niche blogs make more money. But that’s not the common case.
Because why to say that is impossible. It might be possible for some. But keeping that aside, I want you to understand that targeted traffic makes better money. Let’s say you have created a paid course on how to start calligraphy as a beginner. Now you want to advertise for it. You have two options, which one will you go with? 
Blog A — Monthly traffic: 5,000 Niche: Calligraphy
Blog B — Monthly traffic: 10,000 Niche: Fashion, Fitness, Blogging, Technology, Coding, Calligraphy, Travel, Dog care, Personal Finances, Lifestyle, Minimalism, Science, YouTube tips, Education and everything.
Which one will you go for? Blog A? Because Blog B’s example made me realize that there are 10,000 niches for a blog with 10,000 monthly traffic in Blog B’s example. Anyways. That’s not the exact reason?
But rather, it is because you know that Blog A will send less, yet targeted traffic to your product, or course specifically. Whereas Blog B will send a lot of fake traffic to your blog and you’ll gain no profit.
So these are the basic reasons why you shouldn’t be creating a multi niche blog. If you found this article helpful, make sure you subscribe me on YouTube for more blogging tips and tactics.
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Picture of Authored By Anwesha Srivastava
Authored By Anwesha Srivastava

Hi! I am Anwesha and I started SubhBlogging to help bloggers and to guide them on this bouncy journey of blogging providing practical tips, personal experiences and fresh strategies. I hope this would be a great help.

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