How To Master Freelance Blogging With Flying Colours In 2021

freelance blogging

Table of Contents

Freelance Blogging Tips For Beginners

Is freelance blogging bone chilling for you? Fear not, fret not. Because in this article you’ll get 6 ultra valuable tips for new freelance bloggers. Getting started with the first one.

Freelance Blogging Tip 1: Start Your Blog First

I completely understand that it might sound counter intuitive. But here’s what I want you to understand. You’re an absolute beginner. No one on the internet knows you except a few people in your friend list.

So how will you be positioning yourself as a writer? The answer is easy. By writing itself! You need to be a magnet for your ideal clients. So to get noticed by these people, you need to prove your worth.

And remember that along the way you’ll be polishing your own writing skills as well. Treat your blog posts as samples you’ll present to your clients. This will generate trust and clients will hire you on the get go.

Surplus, keep this in mind that you absolutely need a backup. Someday you may (unfortunately) not get any more clients to work for. But your own blog will always save you from losing every income stream. Please be on the safer side. Having one income stream is too risky. If you have made your mind to start a blog on WordPress, I recommend this definitive guide to you. 

Freelance Blogging Tip 2: Find A Niche

Just like any other blogger, freelance bloggers too need a niche. You’ve got to master one specific niche. Being a jack of all trades won’t make you a lot of money. You need to present yourself as an expert in a field. Blog for your ideal clients.

Spend some time analyzing for whom you would like to write a blog for. Create a buyer’s persona. And then start blogging for that one ideal client who’s there in your head.

Freelance Blogging Tip 3: Write For Free (At First)

For free?! Wait. What?? I know you’re kinda feeling like this. Because this is certainly what you want to listen to. But here me out. In a lot of cases, people have a positioning issue rather than a pricing issue.

However, you’re still new to the industry. And that’s why you need to learn a ton. So start with a trial. Your clients will feel more strengthened to trust you and hire you. This is a cool tip for networking. You’ll thank me later.

Freelance Blogging Tip 4: Write A Lot [And Then Again A Lot More]

You don’t have to leave your home to become a freelance blogger. You don’t even need to leave your couch to become a freelance blogger. But you are required to leave your laziness.

Because freelance blogging is hard. Once you become one, you’ll get my point even better. You cannot stay watching T.V. all day and make millions freelance blogging. Read this powerful quotes once:

“Yes, this isn’t that moonshot way of earning that so many are dreaming of, where you monetize your own blog and make six figures on autopilot. This is an everyday, working-class sort of way to earn from blogging. Simply helping publications and companies communicate powerfully with their readers and customers.”

— Carol Tice from Make a Living Writing

Freelance Blogging Tip 5: Type Faster [And Even Faster]

This is a must. Type faster. The more you type, the better your typing speed will be. If you make errors continuously, you’ll keep killing your typing efficiency. Learn a few techniques to increase your typing speed.

Gradually you’re gonna improve. Earlier, I too was an extremely slow typer. I’m truly admitting. But over time I improved. And if I could do so then why can’t you? All the best.

Let me know in the comments whether you’re a fast typer or a slow one. If you’re slow then please practice everyday. That’s it. I’ve got no other success mantra with my typing speed.

Freelance Blogging Tip 6: Check Your Consistency With Blogging

I’ve already discussed the backup and the safer side. And in addition to that, maintain consistency on your own blog too. Even when you land regular gigs. Your own blog can take you to the next level.

Grow your community as a freelance blogger. Network genuinely a lot. Offer fresh, original and relevant content to your targeted audience. In fact doing so will increase your revenue stream as well.

If you want to uplevel your blogging and SEO strategies, I highly recommend you to subscribe me on YouTube for more such freshly delivered blogging tips. Meet you soon with a new article.

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Picture of Authored By Anwesha Srivastava
Authored By Anwesha Srivastava

Hi! I am Anwesha and I started SubhBlogging to help bloggers and to guide them on this bouncy journey of blogging providing practical tips, personal experiences and fresh strategies. I hope this would be a great help.

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